Christmas: The economic value is too decisive in the current perception of art

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The extreme democratization of services and the quality of life, increasingly emancipating technologies, lead many to seek fortune in the most disparate sectors and far from their possibilities.
The need arises for a small economic base from which to start, in place of which one can be part of a virtuous circle: in a rich society an individual who wants to take initiative is more advantaged than one who lives in a poor society. In finding the means, buyers, supplies. The stumbling block of opulent societies is that the individual, like the artist, is unable to compete with large multinationals.
Unfortunately, even if public education allows everyone to access knowledge, there is still a conditioning of the society in which the institution is present. In Western consumer societies these 'uncommon experiences' are difficult to recognize by the middle class, accustomed to well-established consumer practices: think of highly successful products such as smartphones, TVs, cars, etc. We encounter a series of once unknown dynamics.
The conditioning that the economy exerts on the artistic product is already in place and inevitable since the human habitat is made up of virtual and physical 'stores' that sell consumer products. Therefore we live in the paradox of a rich society but which is hardly able to produce a quality of consumption and discernment.
In the case of art, as in justice and politics, economic speculation must be brought back to its bed and allow art to survive corruption and the vulgarity of personal interests. The art area is a public area and as such, sacred. There is no morality in art, nor ethics in art, but in the relationships that animate the system and his history. Common soul increasingly difficult to recognize and respect.
Davide Tedeschini